Skin Tags

Skin tag removal using Lamprobe is a popular and effective method for getting rid of skin tags.

Skin tags are small, benign growths that often appear on the neck, underarms, and other areas of the body. While they are generally harmless, they can be unsightly and cause discomfort when rubbed against clothing or jewelry. Lamprobe skin tag removal uses a high-frequency electrical current to gently remove skin tags without cutting or burning the surrounding skin.

The procedure is minimally invasive and virtually painless, with most patients experiencing only a slight tingling sensation. Unlike traditional skin tag removal methods, Lamprobe skin tag removal does not leave scarring, and the healing time is quick.

Patients typically see results within a few days, with the treated area appearing smoother and clearer.

What is Lamprobe?

Lamprobe quickly and effectively treats a wide variety of Minor Skin Irregularities™ using radio, high-frequency technology. It is a non-invasive and has precise, instantaneous results.

The Lamprobe is a unique device that emits very high-frequency radio waves which create a galvanic current, and thereby vaporize moisture in the cells it comes in contact with. It is extremely precise and works only where intended.

This makes the Lamprobe perfect for certain skin conditions, such as telangiectasia, cherry angiomas (blood spots), fibromas (growths), skin tags, milia (white heads), sebaceous hyperplasia skin tags, keratosis milia, cholesterol spots & spider veins. Lamprobe is a cosmetic procedure and is not guaranteed results.

Benefits of Lamprobe

  • Immediate results
  • Precise and effective treatment of minor skin irregularities
  • Rapid treatment time
  • Non-invasive
  • Minimum discomfort
  • No anesthesia required

How does Lamprobe work?

The Lamprobe uses galvanic current at the tip of a hair-fine needle, making it extremely precise. The result is the electro-desiccation of cells. This ensures that these cells do not regenerate or grow back again. It vaporizes moisture in the cells it comes in contact with, thereby killing those cells instantly. The dead cells then simply peel off. Check out Lamprobe in action in this Instagram post!

Side effects or pain with Lamprobe

Depending on the skin type, the client can experience a pinch-like sensation during the treatment. This is considered minor discomfort, and it lasts only seconds. Side effects may include discoloration or scabbing, depending on the area and lesion.

Pricing of Lamprobe treatments

Our consultation costs $50 and is credited towards your Lamprobe treatment. The pricing depends on the size of the lesion(s)/spots and starts at $400. It’s important to note that this is a cosmetic procedure, and we do not accept insurance for coverage.