Are you ready to conquer all of your skincare goals this year? Here at Skin Studio in Brighton MA we get asked this question a lot: “How do I know if my skincare products are working?” So let’s take a little quiz: |
1. Are you using the products as recommended? (Yes or No) The truth is products probably aren’t working if you’re not using them consistently as recommended. A Typical Regimen: -Cleanse AM/PM -Toner AM/PM (depending on skin type) -Serum AM ( Vit C | Hydrating |Peptides ) -Serums PM (Mostly serums with anti-aging or acne-fighting properties) -Moisturizer AM/PM -SPF AM -Eye care AM/PM ( at least once a day) 2. Are your products recommended by a professional who took the time to assess your skin correctly? (Yes or No) Suppose you haven’t had your skin assessed by a professional and play the skincare guessing game. Buying from an influencer on Instagram or an ad from Amazon is a game of roulette I don’t think anyone should roll the dice on. This is your face we’re talking about! 3. Are you giving the products a chance to work? (Yes or No) We find too many clients get sucked into the Buy and Try cycle. This is where you buy an expensive product, try it for a week, and get bored or disappointed when you don’t see a significant improvement immediately. Then, you buy something new the next time you’re shopping. 6**You spend/waste a lot of money when you become a victim of this cycle.** |
The most gorgeous skin we see in Skin Studio Brighton MA, is the skin of those who find a product designed to help their specific skincare concerns and stick with it for an extended period. We hope this helps you on your look-and-feel-beautiful journey. Reach out and let us know if there is anything we can help you with concerning your current and future skincare. |